sábado, 11 de mayo de 2019

Internal marketing model and its relationship with service quality of the one-stop shop for employment promotion, Lambayeque

Felipe A. Rios Inicio

UCV-SCIENTIA. Vol 10 No 2 (2018): Julio-Diciembre

DOI: 10.18050/RevUcv-Scientia.v10n2a8
URL: http://revistas.ucv.edu.pe/index.php/UCV-SCIENTIA/article/view/1783

The objective of this research was to determine the relationship between the internal marketing model and the service quality of the one-stop shop for employment promotion, Lambayeque. The eight dimensions proposedinthetheoretical-conceptualframeworkwereanalyzed.Themethodologywasmixed (quantitative-qualitative). The questionnaire and the interview were used as data collection techniques. The study population was made up of the collaborators and the users.  The findings made it possible to determine a direct relationship between the study variables, with a p<0.035 and an adjusted R2 of 0.6852, which implies that the perceived service quality is explained in 68 % by internal marketing actions. It was also found that the internal marketing dimensions that negatively affect the performance of the employees of the one-stop shop for employment promotion, Lambayeque, are internal communication and information generation, which present a medium-low tendency. Nevertheless, the response to the information generated has a positive impact on the performance of the employees. Likewise, there was no evidence of a trend in the general perception of the quality of services, since it varies according to its dimensions, and the tangible elements are those that are located at a level considered to be high. An internal marketing model was proposed for the institution with three components: Informative, communicative and motivational.

service quality, one-stop shop for employment promotion, nternal marketing

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