Guillermo Segundo Miñan Olivos; Wilson Daniel Simpalo López:
Jhonatan Danny Mudarra Valdivia
UCV-SCIENTIA. Vol 10 No 2 (2018): Julio-Diciembre
DOI: 10.18050/RevUcv-Scientia.v10n2a7
The main goal of this research was to describe the implementation of a collection center at a private university in the Ancash region in order to optimize its solid waste management. The research was divided into 4 stages: the study of solid waste characterization, description of the collection center operation, optimization of solid waste management through recycling and statistical analysis of the variables. The characterization study determined that solid waste had a per capita generation of 0.016 Kg/hab-day, an average density of 54,236 Kg/m3 and that it was mostly composed of PET plastic (20.20%) and paper (16%). Regarding the operation, the following sequence was described: generation, source segregation, collection, transport, and temporary storage. With the operation, since it was implementated, it was possible to recycle solid waste in excess of 40%, and give a final sanitary and environmentally safe disposal to hazardous waste.
solid waste;, collection center;, recycling;, optimization;, university
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