miércoles, 17 de julio de 2019

Evidencias psicométricas preliminares de una nueva Escala del sentimiento de culpa por la Omisión a la asistencia familiar en un centro Penitenciario, Trujillo 2017

Sheila Acuña Zavala; Milagros Sabina Fernández Rojas; Lesly Alexandra Lázaro Delgado; Mayra Alexandra Rodríguez Beltrán

SourceRevista de Investigación de Estudiantes de Psicología. Vol. 7 No. 2 (2018): Agosto-Diciembre

URL: http://revistas.ucv.edu.pe/index.php/JANG/article/view/1692

AbstractThe objective of the scientific research was to establish the validity and reliability of theAffective Assessment Scale in the father figure in a prison situation in Trujillo 2017. Thisinstrumental research had a sample of 139 inmates, male, among the ages 30 and 50,sentenced for the crime of omission to family assistance, who are in an immediate processand with a period of 30 days during the criminal process. The results, for the evidence based on the content, were obtained using the V of Aiken; for the evidence based on the internal structure the exploratory factorial analysis was reported, with factorial loads >,30. Reliability for internal consistenc y is obtained with Omega’s index and percentiles were elaborated. It was concluded that the instrument should continue in the investigation since the reliability indicates a questionable value, however, itmanages to measure the feeling of guilt, resulting in a mayor score of guilt, more possibility of insertion in society, which will give through intervention programs.

Feeling guilty; Validity; Reliability

Teoría de la personalidad según Albert Bandura

Maryori Jasmín Jara Chalán; Margarita Vanessa Olivera Orihuela; Elmer Javier Yerrén Huiman

Revista de Investigación de Estudiantes de Psicología. Vol. 7 No. 2 (2018): Agosto-Diciembre

Today we live in a globalized world where technology, television, radio and the internet impact notably on the life and behavior of people, so it is necessary that citizens have accurate knowledge about the damage we can cause I n the conduct of each one of us for this reason in this monograph, we put together one of the most important theories of psychology proposed by the American psychologist Albert Bandura, which will allow us to know the psychological processes that lead to l earning such as attention , retention, motor reproduction and motivation, which will determine that a behavior is learned, fixed and subsequently evoked to comply with certain positive or negative action, depending on the conscious or unconscious learning that the person has had through the vicarious learning and of the reinforcements that you have had throughout your life, and that you have have security or doubt, confidence or fear to perform certain tasks or show certain behaviors which are intimately related to emotions that will help you coexist harmoniously with others or be an individual that causes havoc, pain and suffering in your environment as a result of the behaviors learned during the course of their existence.

Attention, retention, reproduction, motivation, efficiency, vicar, reciprocal determinism,
verbal persuasion, modeling and emotional activation