miércoles, 17 de julio de 2019

Evidencias psicométricas preliminares de una nueva Escala del sentimiento de culpa por la Omisión a la asistencia familiar en un centro Penitenciario, Trujillo 2017

Sheila Acuña Zavala; Milagros Sabina Fernández Rojas; Lesly Alexandra Lázaro Delgado; Mayra Alexandra Rodríguez Beltrán

SourceRevista de Investigación de Estudiantes de Psicología. Vol. 7 No. 2 (2018): Agosto-Diciembre

URL: http://revistas.ucv.edu.pe/index.php/JANG/article/view/1692

AbstractThe objective of the scientific research was to establish the validity and reliability of theAffective Assessment Scale in the father figure in a prison situation in Trujillo 2017. Thisinstrumental research had a sample of 139 inmates, male, among the ages 30 and 50,sentenced for the crime of omission to family assistance, who are in an immediate processand with a period of 30 days during the criminal process. The results, for the evidence based on the content, were obtained using the V of Aiken; for the evidence based on the internal structure the exploratory factorial analysis was reported, with factorial loads >,30. Reliability for internal consistenc y is obtained with Omega’s index and percentiles were elaborated. It was concluded that the instrument should continue in the investigation since the reliability indicates a questionable value, however, itmanages to measure the feeling of guilt, resulting in a mayor score of guilt, more possibility of insertion in society, which will give through intervention programs.

Feeling guilty; Validity; Reliability

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